Just who and what is Autism Hangout?
Great question! Here's an explanation! The following is posted under the "About" section on our site. But I thought it worth posting here, so first time visitors can understand a bit more about us......
View ArticleTwo useful terms?
A person with Asperger syndrome, a.k.a. Autistic Spectrum Disorder (disorder?), might choose to be called an Aspie. The word is in usage. Our son is happy with it. I like to refer to the neurologically...
View ArticleThe Shocking Michael Savage
I'm absolutely shocked and appalled at Mr. Savage's ignorance. He cannot be that stupid. Which draws one to the conclusion, he's only doing this for shock value (read: ratings). How sad. [:(!][:(!]...
View Articlefund raiser
Hi! My first post here. My grandson is autistic and we're going through some real tests both personally and educationally. One thing that has been on my mind lately is finding a way to both bring...
View ArticleThe Presidential Candidates on Autism
From John McCain's web site: Combating Autism in America John McCain is very concerned about the rising incidence of autism among America's children and has continually supported research into its...
View ArticleFavorite Video and Computer games
My stepson Nolan has REALLY been enjoying SPORE. Before that he'd spend hours with Roller Coaster Tycoon. What video and computer games does your loved one with autism enjoy?...
View ArticleHealth Insurance Coverage
My family's health insurance is switching providers at month's end. The only child psychiatry practice listed is not accepting patients. We have tried other types of practices to address behavioral...
View ArticleUsing Technology
I'm not sure if this is the appropriate forum for this post--but I'd like a little advice on a certain technology issue I am considering. My HFA son loves to write stories and draw maps, etc. His...
View ArticleLooking for E-Mail Pen Pals
Hello Everyone. I have High functioning autism or aspergers syndrome.I am a female. Some of my hobbies and interests include pets, sports, camping and movies. I am looking for E-MAIL ONLY pen pals that...
View ArticleLooking for Volunteer work or a Job
I am a female that has Autism the Aspergers kind. I am not feeling good My Job changed my status to PRN As Needed status. Because of this I am in need of a new Job and because of my current job my Job...
View ArticleSusan Boyle sings
Susan Boyle wowed the judges on Britain's got Talent. She looked odd, out of place, socially inappropriate. The newspapers say she has "learning disabilities." She is 47, and when asked about her...
View ArticleSafe online haven for kids with autism
Hi Does anyone know of an online community for autistic kids between about 10 and 14? I have a very lonely 11 year old who loves his computer and computer games but would like a friend. he is...
View Articlespecial assistive devices
Hello After 29 years dedicated to helping the elderly improving their functionality and finding solutions for people with special needs MILBAT is offering a variety of unique assistive devices it...
View ArticlePotty Training
Does anyone have any thoughts or things they've done? My son is four now, and his twin sister has been fully potty trained for quite some time now. I keep waiting for him to care about it, but it's...
View Articleaspergers and child abuse
Just wondering if anyone has any information or can relate to growing up with Aspergers in an abusive home and how it affects later functioning?
View ArticleLooking for Friends
I am a Female with Autism the Aspergers kind I have some questions my questions are: 1. Is there any Parents that know about Adult Aspergers Autism that can would like to know one of my parents and...
View ArticleAdaptive Technology ?
Lately i have been wondering about adaptive technology both for school uses for children on spectrum and those with learning disabilities.Since many of our children have problems taking notes in...
View ArticleGroup Home Manager is Yelling I Need Help
I AM IN NEED OF HELP I am a female with Autism the Aspergers Kind that Lives in a Group home in North Carolina and my Group Home Manager is Yelling at me and is upseting me and the group home manager...
View ArticleAuto Immune Disease
Does anyone know if there is a link with the autistic spectrum and auto-immune diseases?
View ArticleWorld Autism Awareness Day
The 2nd of April is World Autism Awareness Day. I don't know why this date was chosen, but I personally find it funny that it is right after the 1st of April - often seen as the "World Lies Day". Many...
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