The 2nd of April is World Autism Awareness Day.
I don't know why this date was chosen, but I personally find it funny that it is right after the 1st of April - often seen as the "World Lies Day".
Many (most?) autistic individuals are extremely honest, so I think it is a good choice to have a day of Truth right after a rather unnecessary* day of lies!
Here is to hoping that the opposite extremist agendas** have a truce during that day and everyone works together to raise awareness in a truthful and decently unbiased way that is based on knowledge that is properly backed by research - rather than each one's own (possible extremist) opinions which may ultimately be to the detriment of all.
* Too many people lie in too many days of their lives already, why does the world encourage it further with April's Fools is beyond my understanding - I would be happier with the 1st of April being a day primarily to celebrate Jokes rather than a day primarily to celebrate Lies.
** In my opinion there two extremist groups: those that see autism as a disease to be cured (or exterminated even?), and the far "left-wing" of those that are borderline autism supremacy thinking that autistic individuals are strictly superior to those that are non-autistic.